Posts Tagged ‘Quarry’

Do I Have New Projects for You!

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024

I have been meaning to mention this, but it’s so odd…and oddly wonderful…that I haven’t got around to it, till now.

But I have two indie movies shooting right now. If you make these update/blogs a regular stop, you’ll already know I am in the midst of a two-week shoot on Death by Fruitcake, bringing to life the Antiques/Trash ‘n’ Treasures mystery series that Barb and I write as “Barbara Allan.”

More about that later.

But another movie I scripted, Mickey Spillane’s Saturday Night in Cap City, began shooting its two-week schedule on the very same day Fruitcake started rolling.

Sharing script credit with me is director David Wexler. He is also one of the stars of the movie. We have been developing this project for several years – and were about to begin a more elaborate version when Covid kicked in and de-railed us for a time. David became a fan of Mickey Spillane and me out of a general enthusiasm for Hard Case Crime. He knew Mike Hammer wouldn’t be available, but inquired about the novella “A Bullet for Satisfaction,” which I completed for inclusion with Mickey’s final completed novel, The Last Stand, which HCC published.

Read about the talented David Wexler here.

David had me work up a script based on the novella, which I did in tandem with him, and we worked on it in that fashion for some time. When that somewhat ambitious version didn’t get sufficiently off the ground, one of us suggested (I think possibly David, because of an actress he thought could be signed) for me to use my Ms. Tree muscles and turn the protagonist – a rather typical Spillane cop anti-hero – “Dex” Dexter – into a female. This was a fairly elaborate rewrite, if a fun, challenging one; but the Spillane story remained largely intact.

This version attracted several female stars and, again, almost got off the ground. When it seemed doomed to stall yet again, I shared my Blue Christmas approach with David – limit the story to one set and make a micro budget possible.

“A Bullet for Satisfaction” began at the crime scene in a hotel where a wild party had taken place…and also the murder of the mayor of this equally wild town.

David liked the idea, and I wrote a new draft and he adapted it to fit a location he could acquire. For some time the film had been called simply Cap City, but I suggested Saturday Night in Cap City to reflect the action taking place in a hotel suite after a swinging Saturday night party.

That we are shooting simultaneously is a complete coincidence, though it’s a fun way to show that I am indeed back in the filmmaking game. The black-and-white photos here are from the production in progress.

director/co-star David Wexler
* * *

A very nice early review of Quarry’s Return has rolled in from Publisher’s Weekly. Here it is:

Quarry’s Return
Max Allan Collins. Hard Case Crime, $12.95 trade paper.
Retired hit man Quarry returns to the killing business with ruthless efficiency in the highly satisfying 17th entry in Collins’s crime series (after Quarry’s Blood). When a journalist shows up at Quarry’s door searching for his daughter, bestselling true crime author Susan Breedlove, Quarry senses trouble. Predictably, the reporter turns out to be a hired assassin, and his expert knife skills make him more than a match for the 71-year-old ex-killer. Fortunately, Quarry’s former lover Luann Lloyd, who he believed was dead, arrives in the nick of time to rescue him. But Quarry’s daughter is far from safe; evidence suggests she’s been abducted while investigating a series of cold case murders, forcing Quarry to return to Port City, Iowa, where he met Susan’s mother and left contract killing, and where Susan had been conducting research. With Luann’s help, Quarry begins his own investigation into the killings Susan was writing about, in the belief that exposing the culprit will lead him to her. The fluid narration is better than ever, and Collins brings the proceedings to an exhilarating and unexpected conclusion. Fans will hope Quarry returns again soon. (Nov.)
* * *

The first week of Death by Fruitcake went extremely well, sometimes surprisingly so – this is the first time I remember on a movie set where we completed the day’s work early…and it happened most days.

This week will be harder. Our male lead, Rob Merritt (star of Blue Christmas), is working only on the second week, meaning the first week had to shoot material that, obviously, didn’t involve his character. So we shot 30 pages of a 90-page script, meaning (my math skills come into play here) we have 60 pages yet to shoot. We do have an extra day (we’re working Saturday), but that hardly covers it.

I am not worried because this cast is doing incredibly well, and when Rob comes in, a real pro will be among us (as are Paula Sands and Alisabeth Von Presley). This bunch works hard and never complains, making for a real team effort. Also, our first week knocked off some of the most elaborate, toughest scenes on the schedule.

There are always fires to put out, and changes that have to be made on the spot, which is why I think having the writer be the director makes a lot of sense. Barb and I spent much of the weekend studying shooting schedules and call sheets and making last-minute arrangements.

Friday night had us bringing in a group of around sixty or seventy to be the audience for the play-within-the-movie, Vivian Borne’s The Fruitcake That Saved Christmas. My grandson Sam and granddaughter Lucy were among the highly cooperative audience members who gave us what we needed (“Now laugh big, as if you just saw for the first time Gene Wilder’s big scene in The Producers!”) even as they had a good time doing it.

Producer/director of photography Chad Bishop had a stellar week and rounded it off with a screen cameo as Louis Wilder, who accompanies wheelchair-bound FDR to the fruitcake factory to be presented with the key to the city. Turns out that specific fruitcake has surprising recuperative powers….

This is hard work but I love it. I never dreamed I’d be back on set again in this lifetime. Glad I was wrong.

Alisabeth Von Presley as Brandy; Paula Sands as Mother

The Suspects (some of ’em)

Tommy Ratkiewicz-Stierwalt as FDR (with M.A.C.)

The Least Efficient Assembly Line Anywhere (with M.A.C.)
* * *

We appear to be very close to making a deal with the terrific actor we have chosen to play Nate Heller in True Noir: The Assassination of Anton Cermak. In case you haven’t been by lately, that’s our fully immersive audio drama based on the first Heller novel, True Detective. The ten-episode production is written by me and directed by Robert Meyer Burnett. Our fellow producers are Mike Bawden and Phil Dingeldein. It’s an Imagination Connoisseurs presentation.

You can order True Noir in various forms from our Kickstarter page here.

The Kickstarter campaign ends in 17 days, so get crackin’. As of Sunday we were at $20,290 of a $30,000 goal. Unlike most such crowd-funding campaigns, you will receive what you order in a short period of time. We already have most of our amazing cast recorded, and editing and sound design are well under way.

True Noir is one of the best (and rewarding) projects of my fifty-year career.


Death by Fruitcake Begins Production, Thanks to Barb

Tuesday, August 20th, 2024
Death by Fruitcake, auditorium set with cast and crew at work.
Day one on the set of Death by Fruitcake.

When this update appears, we’ll be in our second day of shooting Death by Fruitcake. The week since I last posted found us heavily in post-production mode. It’s been intense but gratifying to see things coming together.

The real pleasure has been working so closely with my wife on this project. She had been intimately involved in my productions – really our productions – in the ten-plus years we did quite a little bit of indie filmmaking. Mommy and Mommy’s Day saw her filling a production manager role, and those productions would not have been possible without her. The same is true of Real Time: Siege at Lucas Street Market (2001) and Eliot Ness: An Untouchable Life (2005), as well as my two documentaries, Mike Hammer’s Mickey Spillane (1998) and Caveman: V.T. Hamlin and Alley Oop (2005).

She has an unfailing eye for detail and a gift for dealing with all sorts of people. And her storytelling abilities are obvious to anyone who’s read her short stories or the novels we’ve done together, in particular the Antiques (Trash ‘n’ Treasures) mystery series.

But there were travails involved with all of those productions, proud as I am (and I think she is too) of all of them. Mommy was a baptism by fire. Difficulties with the director led to letting him go after the first two weeks of a four-week shoot (I was producer and writer), meaning I had to fill the director’s role without any experience or prep, just years of being a movie buff. When I lost the Dick Tracy scripting gig after fifteen years, indie filmmaking was another way to make some money…I thought.

And we had some success, particularly with the two Mommy movies, but my co-producer – my best friend since high school – stole a good deal of the money (he was convicted of a felony for doing so). Nonetheless, we did get a sale to Lifetime where Mommy aired in primetime, and both it and the sequel were chainwide Blockbuster buys (a big deal in those days). I was deeply involved in filmmaking during those years, which included the Road to Perdition (2002) sale and the Quarry movie, The Last Lullaby (2008), which I co-scripted. Several short films happened during that period as well.

But the betrayal by my former best friend and the many difficulties of indie filmmaking – getting the money to make even modest productions was (and is) a nightmare – had me walking away from that pursuit, though there have been some screenplays produced (by others) and, thankfully, occasional options on my books for TV and movies (and on screenplays). CBS Films has Eliot Ness and the Mad Butcher (2020, by Brad Schwartz and me) under option right now, and I think Nolan is still under option, too. Might have run out while I wasn’t looking, though.

Anyway, indie filmmaking was a past pursuit. The closest I came to it was writing two Mike Hammer audio books for Stacy Keach and a full cast, one of which won an Audie for Best Original Work (The Little Death) and the other (Encore for Murder) was similarly nominated, and produced as a play starring Gary Sandy in venues at Owensboro, Kentucky, and Clearwater, Florida. Then I was asked to allow Encore to be produced, radio-play-style, here in Muscatine, Iowa, as a fund raiser for the local Art Center.

I consented, as some of you know, and brought in my Mommy’s Day co-star Gary Sandy (WKRP in Cincinnati, of course) to play Mike Hammer. When I attended the first rehearsal (Gary would be coming in a few days in advance of the actual production), I was pleasantly surprised to find the local cast very good.

Barb had endorsed my involvement (I was co-director as well as writer) but wanted no participation. She was retired from movies and anything vaguely related. The theft of the Mommy money had threatened our house and she remained understandably bitter. But I encouraged her to come to the next rehearsal to see if I was kidding myself thinking these local thespians were pretty darn good. She came and agreed.

Then when Gary Sandy came in and did a terrific job as Hammer in rehearsal, I contacted my longtime collaborator, Phil Dingeldein (director of photographer on all of my features), and convinced him to come to Muscatine to shoot the one live performance. He did this (and shot a dress rehearsal, too, to give us extra coverage). The idea was to use it as a bonus feature on our revised updated version of Mike Hammer’s Mickey Spillane, which we did (it’s available from VCI at Amazon right now).

Barb stayed pretty much aloof from that production, for which Chad Bishop (who was a cast member) worked with Phil on the Encore shoot and edited it into a movie or a program or some damn thing. It came out pretty well, I think, and is available on DVD separately from VCI as well as on the Spillane documentary.

Anyway, that experience got the indie filmmaking juices flowing again and Chad and I (with Phil onboard as d.p.) decided to do Blue Christmas, which I’ve been discussing here quite a bit. Barb gave her blessing but refused to be a part of it. She’d had enough of the hard work and misery that accompanies any kind of filmmaking.

But a few days out from the production (this was last October), I had some very stressful situations relating to the production that sent me back into a-fib. And Barb got on board. She again made the production run smoothly. Ask anyone who the MVP on Blue Christmas was and they’ll say Barb.

Now we’re doing one more – Death by Fruitcake. I tricked her into being part of it by basing this one on our Antiques series, specifically a novella, Antiques Fruitcake in Antiques Ho Ho Homicides. She is caught up in it, with me, and doing a stellar job. It’s unimaginable without her.

Ask anybody in the cast or on the crew.

Again, she has made it clear this is her last production. I believe her. I always do. So this is probably my last indie movie, too – unless somebody gives me enough money to hire a production manager as good as Barbara Collins. Which is itself a long shot for more than one reason….

Barbara Allan

Blue Christmas, by the way, is already available for pre-order at Amazon (it’s a November 11, 2024 release).

And you can read about Blue Christmas at, right here.

* * *

Just in case I haven’t given you enough reasons to spend money on me this time around, keep in mind the clock is ticking on the Kickstarter effort to back True Noir: the Assassination of Anton Cermak, based on my novel True Detective in a fully immersive audio drama in ten parts and written by (again) me. It has an amazing cast, and a great director (Robert Meyer Burnett).

Scroll down a ways in this Digital Bits column and get the skinny on True Noir.

True Noir logo


Quarry Returns…In a Book Giveaway! True Noir Is Coming…To the San Diego Con!

Tuesday, July 16th, 2024

A big reminder that the True Noir at San Diego Comic Con will be Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 5:30 pm in Room 6A.

True Noir banner

Attendees can join director Robert Meyer Burnett (Free Enterprise, The Hills Run Red) and Mike Bawden (marketing executive), with Rob moderating a panel including actors Anthony LaPaglia (Without a Trace, Happy Feet, All-Star Superman), Don McManus (Vice, Ocean’s Thirteen), Bill Smitrovich (Air Force One, Ted), Louis Lombardi (24, The Sopranos), Kris Carr (Last Week Tonight with John Oliver), and surprise guests.

My longtime collaborator Phil Dingeldein filmed a greeting video for the panel by me this past Friday. So I will be there on tape and in spirit. Deadline demands on the final Mike Hammer novel (Baby, It’s Murder) and pre-production on Death by Fruitcake (due to start shooting Aug. 19), plus the health issues I’ve been dealing with of late, make it impossible for me to attend in person…which I hate.

I am so proud of this ten-part audio drama, of Rob Burnett’s excellent direction, co-producer Christine Sheak’s assembly of an incredible cast, and producer Mike Bawden’s orchestration of the whole damn thing…including that I adapted my 1983 award-winning novel, True Detective, myself, giving me a chance to revisit and (I hope) even improve on that key work in my (ahem) oeuvre.

If you are at the San Diego Con on that Thursday evening, you will get a sneak preview of what we’ve accomplished so far. And very soon a Kickstarter will be launched, providing the opportunity to buy in various media the entire 10-episode immersive audio drama on a number of formats.

* * *
Quarry's Return

It’s been a while since we had a book giveaway here, but the time has come. I will share ten copies of Quarry’s Return with the first ten who write me asking for one.

The idea is that you promise to post a review at Amazon and/or other appropriate web sites like Barnes & Noble and Goodreads (including your own if you have one). The book publishes on Nov. 5 of this year, but you can’t submit your review to Amazon until then. That’s important to note. If you have your own review site, you can review it as soon as you read it. I am not mandating positive reviews, but if you do not like the book or have a mixed but negative response to it, you are released from your obligation to write a review.

I have 10 copies and, as they say, when they are gone they are gone. Write me directly at and include your snail-mail address (that’s important). This is open to US residents only, due to shipping costs.


You Tube and Me (And How to Be a Fiction Writer!)

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024

I have gotten into the habit of looking at a lot of YouTube of late. Working on a big project like True Noir – the ten scripts for a massive audio production of the first Nathan Heller novel, True Detective (1983) – I find the bite-size offerings that YouTube serves up make ideal late night comfort food. Earlier in the evening, I have usually watched a movie on physical media with either my wife Barb or my son Nate – who comes down from his house up the street after he and his wife Abby manage to get our two grandkids Sam and Lucy to bed – and don’t feel like digging into another feature-length presentation.

The algorithm YouTube uses to generate new offerings on their “recommended” feed – fed by what you last watched and by your subscriptions – means there’s always something new to watch. Unfortunately the flaw is that if you sample something just to get a look at it in the “what’s this about?” sense, you get barraged with material generated by that sampling. Look at one Jordan Peterson video and you’ll get ten more. Look at one Jimmy Carr video and get you swamped in those, but also other “offensive” comedians. Check out Steve Schmidt’s The Warning and receive an avalanche of anti-Trump material. Videos on filmmaking often attract my attention, particularly ones on micro-budget indies.

Sometimes that’s okay. You learn things and at times your interests are fed (as opposed to simply your curiosity). I watched a Ballistics Burgers video and enjoyed it and now I’m on my way to learning how to make a delicious cheeseburger, if I ever get around to trying. And the algorithm thing led me to Robert Meyer Burnett of Robservations and Let’s Get Physical Media, who is now my collaborator on the Nathan Heller audio project, and Heath Holland, whose Cereal at Midnight I am now guesting regularly on (or irregularly – about once a month). Both Rob and Heath are now good and valued friends of mine.

You quickly learn that some of the presenters on YouTube are naturals at it – like Rob and Heath – and others are just guys in their basements with the appeal and communication skills of somebody who just starts talking to you in the supermarket. A YouTube video with a subject that interests you, or just intrigues you, is not guaranteed to include a presenter who ought to be presenting. It’s a democratic landscape, but we all know democracy is messy.

Recently I checked out a few videos purporting to teach novices how to write. I am always willing to learn – after all, I’ve only been doing this since I was in junior high in the early 1960s, and writing professionally since 1971. I have since been bombarded by tips on how to avoid “filter words” (a very popular phrase right now) and words to never use (like “very,” which I just did).

What is disconcerting about these videos – and I’ve sampled a bunch, meaning my YouTube feed will drown me in the damn things for a while – is they feature (A) very young writers…damn, I did it again!…or (B) writers you’ve never heard of, or (C), young writers you’ve never heard of. Many tend to be young woman (under thirty) who speak with clear-eyed confidence in training others how to do what has enabled them to become successful writers. Being a successful writer among these self-appointed teachers of the craft often means they self-publish, though that fact is usually glossed over quickly.

Not all of this advice is good, but neither is it necessarily bad. But who are these people, except up-talking young ‘uns who have no business giving advice to anyone? Never mind, because (as I say) not all their advice is bad, and they often do discuss important topics like writing a good first sentence and whether or not to outline.

The problem, beyond too much self-confidence and an overwhelming desire to fill a YouTube screen with their face, is that fiction writing can’t really, not exactly, be taught. I used to do seminars – for a long time, it was every summer at Augustana College in Rock Island, and a lot of my attendees went on to successfully publish – but I always made the point that fiction writing has no rules, just strategies. No right or wrong, just what works. For you. The individual.

I had tips and shared them. For example, I discouraged opening with a line of dialogue, a practice in which a lot of writers (including published ones, even successful ones) indulge. I would point out to those attending the seminars that opening with dialogue does not tell you enough – you don’t know who is speaking or where they are uttering this supposedly reader-catching bit of fake human speech.

Both opening with dialogue and avoiding doing so, however, are a strategies. Tactics. Not rules.

I have written here before about how useless I consider advice from the likes of Elmore Leonard and Stephen King is to wannabe authors. Not because I think Leonard and King are bad, but precisely because they are good. Better than good. They are great storytellers who have developed their methods by trial and error, and by having grown up as little Leonards and Kings consuming a lot of narrative storytelling, both novels and movies and maybe even the occasional play.

No quick path to learning how to write fiction is available. None. You have to be obsessive about storytelling – wanting to tell stories, wanting to read/see/and-ultimately create stories. But it’s mostly strategy.

What should the first line be? Is the basic story I have in mind better served by first person prose or third person? How is point of view best served in this piece of fiction? The answers to such questions come from the individual writers.

James M. Cain

Mickey Spillane

Donald E. Westlake

James M. Cain taught me to write dialogue (also Jack Webb on 1950s Dragnet). I never met Cain (or Webb), but they taught me by example. Raymond Chandler and Mark Twain schooled me in writing in first person. I came to know – personally know – Mickey Spillane and Donald E. Westlake. But I learned writing action/violence scenes from Mickey and sublime point-of-view technique from Don, long before I met either one outside of the pages of their books.

Some young blue-eyed girl, staring out at you from the television (or “monitor,” to you younger folks) is not going to tell you what a grown-ass woman like Fannie Flagg or even Ayn Rand will. Rand is a good example because she did a lot of things wrong, but also a lot of things right. That kind of successful writer can stimulate thinking along the “I should do this but not that” line. People of less than genius intelligence (like me) can learn more from Harold Robbins in The Carpetbaggers than Marcel Proust in Remembrance of Things Past – particularly when you are starting out to teach yourself in junior high school.

I don’t mean to pick on the females here, because plenty of guys – particularly in the screenwriting area – are turning their own experiences into rules for the easily swayed. I started watching a video where the interviewer was acting like he was in the presence of a real master of the craft – Robert Towne, maybe, or (again) Elmore Leonard – and when the uber-confident dispenser of screenwriting craft’s credit was finally mentioned, the guy had written a Charlie’s Angel movie.

When I was doing seminars, I worked with a lot of young women of all ages who wanted to be romance writers when they grew up (some of these young women were twenty, others sixty with all stops between). They did a lot of things right, in their fiction, and often came together in writers’ groups and helped each other learn and grow. I found then, and believe now, that this kind of thing is positive. Workshops, like the Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa where I fought many battles, gets you down in the trenches with other writers, discussing specifics like plot and character, not “rules,” learning tactics, not “never use adverbs.”

Most of the people telling you never to use adverbs do so in sentences that contain adverbs.

There is only one teacher who can teach you writing: you. The fiction you love will guide the way. Looking at novels and stories (and movies) that are favorites of yours, but doing so in an analytic way, can be helpful. Hitchcock can teach any writer and that isn’t even what he’s trying to do.

Of the young, clear-eyed women teaching others how to write on YouTube (often with pets lurking in the background, scene-stealing), almost none of them discuss first-person writing, or understand that many of the “filter” words to avoid are crucial to writing effective first-person. Barb and I (as “Barbara Allan”) use two narrators in the Antiques novels, neither of whom is a trained writer, which is a great source of fun for us in the books and, we hope, for readers.

One of these very young (“very” again!) writers weighed in on a topic I’ve explored here quite a bit – the wrestling match I sometimes have with editors and even readers about my insistence on describing what a character is wearing. This young writer said she got around that by simply stating something along the lines of “Joe was a sharp dresser” and never describing Joe’s wardrobe again in any way throughout the novel. That’s a choice. A tactic. But I consider physical description and a rundown on wardrobe to be key elements of characterization, at least as I approach it.

That’s all for today. I have Steve Schmidt and Jordan Peterson videos to watch.

* * *

The first Quarry’s Return reviewer has appeared and it’s a nice one.

How to read the Nolan books in chronological order.

And Road to Perdition is once again cited as an outstanding film from a comics source.
