Posts Tagged ‘True Noir: The Nathan Heller Casebooks’

True Noir Presents Star-Studded Panel at San Diego Comic Con…And I’m Not Here (But Sort of Am)

Tuesday, July 30th, 2024

Regular visitors to these update/blog entries will already know that I was unable to attend the San Diego Comic Con, where a True Noir panel was a major part of our launch.

My health issues make it difficult to attend the very crowded and spread-out con, not to mention air travel, plus Barb and I are wrapped up in pre-production of our indie film production, Death by Fruitcake (based on the Antiques series she and I write as “Barbara Allan”) with shooting to begin less than a month from now.

My longtime collaborator, Phil Dingeldein, shot a video of me so I could greet the attendees at the panel, and here it is:

My terrific director, Robert Meyer Burnett, interviewed me last October (literally the day after we wrapped Blue Christmas), and Phil shot it and edited this piece into the first of what will be a number of Behind the Mystery episodes.

If you are thinking of backing our KickStarter effort, here’s the web address.

Unlike a lot of KickStarters, we are deep into production and you can order the finished product now, which will be available at the end of the Kickstarter campaign (no endless wait as is the case so often in these crowd-funding offerings).

The panel created some real interest, as in this WBOY coverage.

Here’s some press room interviews with producer Mike Bawden (of Imagination Conisseurs Unlimited, his company with Rob Burnett) and actor Anthony LaPaglia, among others.

And more here:

Some nice pre-panel attention here.

A good one here.

I’ll be posting more video shot by Phil of me discussing Nate Heller, this project, and my fiction generally, in the coming weeks. Also more excerpts of the interview Rob Burnett made with me.

Again, if you’re interested in my work at all, you’re going to love True Noir: The Assassination of Anton Cermak.

Your support will allow us to do more – we have big plans, but we need your help.

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Here’s a nice write-up on this year’s Strand Magazine Critics Awards, in which I won a Lifetime Achievement award.

There’s a nice if brief write-up about my Batman graphic novel (adapted from the Kia Asamiya original, Child of Dreams.)

Here’s an appreciation of Wild Dog, the homemade costumed hero Terry Beatty and I cooked up once upon a time.

This article talks about seven movie novelizations that are worth reading, and Road to Perdition is one of them. Unfortunately, they don’t mention that the later Brash Books edition is my entire novelization (originally cut from around 90,000 words to 40,000 for the paperback tie-in edition at DreamWorks’ demand).

The Brash Books edition of the full Perdition novel is here.

Finally, here’s one of several recent write-ups about the film version of Road to Perdition and how Tom Hanks ranks it among his favorite film roles.


Let’s Kick True Noir in the Starter and Another Recognition Plus the End of Mike Hammer!

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024

The Kickstarter for True Noir: The Assassination of Anton Cermak is live right now.

It’s important, if you’re a devoted reader of mine – a Nate Heller fan – that you participate in some way.

What differs about this effort is that when the Kickstarter time is up (less than two months from now) the final product will be ready to deliver to you, immediately. Some of the physical media versions will take longer to produce, but if you are buying a download, you will not face the usual (and sometimes interminable) Kickstarter wait to receive it.

I have written this adaptation of True Detective, the first Nate Heller novel (Private Eye Writers of America “Best Novel” Shamus, 1984) myself – a 350-page script that will be ten thirty-to-thirty-five minutes each. Much of it has already been recorded. Our casting director/co-producer Christine Sheaks has assembled an incredible cast. And I’ve been able to attend many of the impressive recording sessions via Zoom.

We have two key roles we haven’t announced the actors for as yet – Heller himself and Frank Nitti. Watch this space, and the Kickstarter page, and you’ll know soon.

Anyone who has enjoyed (or is right now in the process of enjoying) the Nathan Heller novels will be…what’s the most evocative, graceful term?…a pig in shit listening to this ten-part adaptation.

I try not to do a hard sell here. We’re friends in this space and I don’t want my friends battered with that kind of thing. But this is key, in my opinion, to my legacy as a crime/mystery author and to Heller’s ability to thrive in the popular culture. I wish I had Jerry Lewis to plead my case and wind up singing “You’ll Never Walk Alone.”

But Jerry is dead, and I’m 76.

So if you’re a fan – and I know you’re out there, I can hear you aging – contribute to this Kickstarter effort. And tell others about it, please. How serious about this am I? Well, the next Nate Heller novel – One-Way Ride – will be the last. And Heller’s future thereafter will be tied up with how well True Noir does. The plan is for three or four more audio adaptations of various novels (probably, next, The Million-Dollar Wound) and three seasons of live action thereafter. I will do all the scripts myself. This is an ambitious plan but doable…with your support.

In other words, if enough of you guys and gals (that phrase alone dates me, doesn’t it?) step up, NATE HELLER LIVES.

If you stop by here regularly, you know that I am about to direct Death by Fruitcake, an adaptation of the Antiques series, a micro production Barb and I are funding ourselves. For Blue Christmas, we ran a Kickstarter. For Death by Fruitcake, we plundered our savings to make our film because I don’t want to get in the way of this Kickstarter for True Noir.

True Noir in a weird way is a co-Hollywood/Iowa production. Our gifted director, Robert Meyer Burnett, is operating out of California. The executive producer, Mike Bawden, is in the Iowa/Illinois Quad Cities. And I of course have written that 350-page adaptation here in Muscatine, Iowa.

Also key is my longtime collaborator and pal Phil Dingeldein of dphilms in Moline, Illinois, who has been recording behind-the-scenes and promo footage from the very beginning. You’ll be seeing of some his work for the project right here soon.

The team is a strong one and I’m proud to be part of it. Again, forgive the hard sell. Just try to picture me looking up at you with big Margaret Keane eyes.

If you are going to the San Diego Comic Con, Rob and Mike and a bunch of the cast members will have a panel THIS WEEK on Thursday July 25 at 5:30 p.m., Room 6A. I am not attending because the travel, and the crowds and difficulty of attending this event (at which I was long a regular attendee – Seduction of the Innocent, anyone?), make it impossible for me to take part in what is a major part of the launch by Imagination Connoisseurs Unlimited, Rob and Mike’s company. Also, I began fulltime pre-production Fruitcake yesterday (Monday July 22…less than a month out of first day of shoot!).

I am incredibly frustrated that I can’t be at the con panel, but Phil Dingeldein and I recorded a greeting video that will welcome attendees to this key event. If you are going to the con this year, don’t miss this panel.

A poster announcing the event will be given to the first 1000 attendees (well, 999…I asked Rob to save me one). You saw this image a few weeks ago, but here it is again – it’s a banger, as they say.

True Noir: The Nathan Heller Casebooks poster

This project is the big one.

Be part of it…and you’ll never walk alone.

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Normally I would lead with this (but the Kickstarter trumps…pardon the expression…all else):

I am pleased and frankly proud that I’m receiving the 2024 Strand Critics Life Achievement Award.

My statement about this recognition, given by the Strand magazine to the media, is here:

“This is a lovely honor from the last magazine of its kind, much as I am part of a passing pulp breed,” said Collins. “My heroes included Chester Gould, Mickey Spillane, and Donald E. Westlake, later my mentors and friends. My love of movies culminated in the filming of my Road to Perdition. Nathan Heller, Quarry, and Ms. Tree are evidence of my love for detective fiction, much as the Antiques books written with my wife Barbara are of my love for her. I am lucky and blessed to make my living telling elaborate lies about humans at their best and worst.”
M.A.C. holding copies of Skim Deep and Bait Money
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I have completed – and sent to my editor Andrew Sumner at Titan Books – the final Mike Hammer novel, the fifteenth collaborative entry by Mickey Spillane and me on that series (sixteen, if we count the short story collection, A Long Time Dead). That collaboration is posthumous on Mickey’s part, with me (at his request in the last week of his life), taking on the responsibility of completing his unfinished works, primarily Mike Hammer novels.

The novel, with a wraparound that takes place at a cemetery bracketing an early ‘70s yarn, is entitled Baby, It’s Murder, the resonance of which will become clear when you read the book. Despite the bulk of the novel taking place around 1973 (coincidentally the start of my professional writing career), it serves well, I think, as a concluding Hammer novel. You’ll see what I mean if…when…you read it.

The Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer Legacy Project has been a joy and a challenge. I’ve done a few non-Hammer collaborations, too – The Menace for Wolfpack from an unproduced Spillane horror screenplay and completing three novels, Dead Street, The Consummata and The Last Stand (the latter an edit job) all for the great Hard Case Crime.

I do have a few things left that I hope to do – another unproduced Spillane screenplay that could become a novel, two or three Hammer short stories from fragments, and most important, the Mike Danger novel Mickey wrote the first draft of, one of his last works. It’s likely that I’ll convert it into a Mike Hammer novel, but its science-fiction elements make finding the right publisher tricky.

Also, if Skydance actually makes the Mike Hammer movie it secured rights to do, I might offer to do the novelization, and perhaps get a new Hammer novel out there as well. For example, I have yet to novelize the radio-style play, Mickey Spillane’s Encore for Murder (seen on the VCI blu-ray of the revised, expanded Mike Hammer’s Mickey Spillane and as a standalone DVD with Gary Sandy as Hammer) and that’s a possibility.

My position has been – and I immodestly think it separates me from other “continuation” novelists of series, like those picking up after Robert B. Parker, for example – is that all of these books are stories Mickey set out to write. Every one of the Spillane/Collins-bylined books have real Spillane content. The only exception are the Caleb York novels – the first one, The Saga of Caleb York, reflects his unproduced screenplay (written for his pal John Wayne!), and the subsequent five are by me, utilizing his characters and some plot threads left by the screenplay.

The fifteen additional Hammer novels, and the short story collection, reflect the belief and enthusiasm of a handful of publishers…

Otto Penzler, who first published The Goliath Bone, The Big Bang and Kiss Her Goodbye, as well as the collection A Long Time Dead and the Collins/Spillane critical biography, Spillane: King of Pulp Fiction.

Nick Landau, Vivian Cheung and Andrew Sumner at Titan Books, who picked up reprint rights on the first three Spillane/Collins Hammer novels and published the next eleven novels. (Charles Ardai at Hardcase Crime stepped up for non-Hammer novels.)

These are people in publishing with a sense of history, with a grasp on the importance of Mickey Spillane in a pantheon of private eye writers that includes Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler.

My sincere gratitude goes out to them all.


Quarry Returns…In a Book Giveaway! True Noir Is Coming…To the San Diego Con!

Tuesday, July 16th, 2024

A big reminder that the True Noir at San Diego Comic Con will be Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 5:30 pm in Room 6A.

True Noir banner

Attendees can join director Robert Meyer Burnett (Free Enterprise, The Hills Run Red) and Mike Bawden (marketing executive), with Rob moderating a panel including actors Anthony LaPaglia (Without a Trace, Happy Feet, All-Star Superman), Don McManus (Vice, Ocean’s Thirteen), Bill Smitrovich (Air Force One, Ted), Louis Lombardi (24, The Sopranos), Kris Carr (Last Week Tonight with John Oliver), and surprise guests.

My longtime collaborator Phil Dingeldein filmed a greeting video for the panel by me this past Friday. So I will be there on tape and in spirit. Deadline demands on the final Mike Hammer novel (Baby, It’s Murder) and pre-production on Death by Fruitcake (due to start shooting Aug. 19), plus the health issues I’ve been dealing with of late, make it impossible for me to attend in person…which I hate.

I am so proud of this ten-part audio drama, of Rob Burnett’s excellent direction, co-producer Christine Sheak’s assembly of an incredible cast, and producer Mike Bawden’s orchestration of the whole damn thing…including that I adapted my 1983 award-winning novel, True Detective, myself, giving me a chance to revisit and (I hope) even improve on that key work in my (ahem) oeuvre.

If you are at the San Diego Con on that Thursday evening, you will get a sneak preview of what we’ve accomplished so far. And very soon a Kickstarter will be launched, providing the opportunity to buy in various media the entire 10-episode immersive audio drama on a number of formats.

* * *
Quarry's Return

It’s been a while since we had a book giveaway here, but the time has come. I will share ten copies of Quarry’s Return with the first ten who write me asking for one.

The idea is that you promise to post a review at Amazon and/or other appropriate web sites like Barnes & Noble and Goodreads (including your own if you have one). The book publishes on Nov. 5 of this year, but you can’t submit your review to Amazon until then. That’s important to note. If you have your own review site, you can review it as soon as you read it. I am not mandating positive reviews, but if you do not like the book or have a mixed but negative response to it, you are released from your obligation to write a review.

I have 10 copies and, as they say, when they are gone they are gone. Write me directly at and include your snail-mail address (that’s important). This is open to US residents only, due to shipping costs.


True Noir, Medical Fun & Games and a Great Film

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

The San Diego Comic Con will have a True Noir panel this year. I won’t be in attendance – except by way of a pre-recorded video greeting – for various reasons, including the start of shooting my next indie film, Death by Fruitcake. But actors from the production will be present (names TBA) and director Robert Meyer Burnett will be on hand as will producer Mike Bawden.

If you’re at the con, you’ll get the first real preview of our fully immersive audio drama, True Noir: The Nathan Heller Casebooks, based on the first Heller novel, True Detective.

True Noir at Comic-Con 2024

I’ve sat in on many recording sessions so far, via Zoom, and I believe about 80% of the recording is done, and I know director Rob Burnett is hard at work on the special effects and sound mix. Rob is doing a fantastic job. I can honestly say I’ve never been more excited about a project adapting my work, ever, and that includes the film of Road to Perdition and the HBO/Cinemax Quarry TV series.

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I had some very nice wishes from readers and friends of mine about my recent (brief) hospital stay. My cardioversion (in which I am jump-started like an old Buick to get my heart out of a-fib and back into regular rhythm) went very well. My recuperation has been minimal, and the hospital staff and my doctor were terrific.

So was my wife Barb, who was with me all the way (well, she had to leave while they were shocking me).

Two days later, I feel fine. Great, actually.

Thanks for your concern.

As a reward – a book giveaway next week!

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Heath Holland at Cereal at Midnight invited me on to discuss my ten favorite private eye movies. Take a look (but keep in mind these are presented not as the best but as my favorites…though the upper reachers of the list really are the best).

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I’ve been a steady moviegoer since grade school, and Barb and I, pre-Covid, pretty much went to one movie per week, even after the home video revolution. Since the pandemic, we go less frequently. But I remember what it was like in the ‘70s and ‘80s when you could see a movie and know you’d taken something great in.

Bonnie and Clyde (1967) changed my life. It rekindled my interest in true-crime-based movies and TV that had begun with The Untouchables TV series starring Robert Stack. I’d already been toying with the idea of writing a period private eye novel when Chinatown (1974) paved the way. It, too, changed my life. Dr. No and the Connery Bond movies that followed were similarly impactful, and some things I saw for the first time on TV – The Maltese Falcon (1941) and Kiss Me Deadly (1955) – certainly shaped me artistically. Add Gun Crazy (1950) to that list.

In the 1970s you never knew when something mind-blowing might greet you at the movie theater – from The Godfather showing how a crime novel could become an epic film to American Graffiti (1973) sending me back into rock ‘n’ roll after I thought I’d left being in a band behind me. This was an era where your weekend entertainment might include seeing for the first time The Exorcist, The French Connection, Dirty Harry, Point Blank, Get Carter, Jaws, Rocky, Star Wars, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Harold and Maude, and Phantom of the Paradise. This is not a definitive list, but it demonstrates movies that had an impact on me beyond the usual cinematic experience. I can easily say I have been influenced as much if not more by movies than even my beloved Hammett, Chandler, Cain and Spillane.

Robert Towne died last week. He joins the other giants who walked the earth and influenced little Allan Collins. So, of course, did Chester Gould, Al Capp and Will Eisner, moviemakers on the page.

And it didn’t stop with the ‘70s – the ‘80s were around the corner. You could settle down in your theater seat with your Coke and popcorn and Dots and, wham! There was Raiders of the Lost Arc or Road Warrior or Evil Dead II or Back to the Future or Robocop (with my pal Miguel Ferrer in it!).

And I’m just scratching the surface.

Seemed like every week or two or anyway once a month some movie would change your life – or anyway mine – out of nowhere. Not that the ‘90s were too shabby – Groundhog Day alone must be noted. And I’m not saying good stuff hasn’t appeared in the 2000’s.

But that experience of knowing you’d seen something life-changing, which was startlingly frequent in the ‘70s and ‘80s, hasn’t happened much in several decades, at least not to me.

Which brings me to Horizon: An America Saga (Chapter One). This is the first film I’ve seen in a long time that gave me that sort of feeling that something important had happened to me in the movie theater, and I don’t mean that just no babies were crying. No. This is the best film I’ve seen in ages (and only the first 1/4 of it is out there right now – with Part Two coming in August, and Part Three in production, although Part Four may be in danger because of the disappointing box office so far of Part One).

Horizon: An America Saga

This is a sweeping (as we used to say) saga of the American west, going out of its way to tell a sprawling but coherent story of settlers, Native Americans, Old West towns, gunfighters, outlaws, families, wagon trains, the whole schmeer. Horizon is easy to follow, despite cutting back and forth between its four (as I count them) major story threads.

But it seems to confuse the poor little things under forty who can’t sit still long enough not to spill their popcorn. The complaint that Horizon is hard to follow – it isn’t, not at all – or that it’s slow – it isn’t, if somewhat leisurely at times, which is different – defeats the minds of the video-game damaged individuals who seem to dominate our multi-plex fare. The main complaint appears to be that there are just too many characters to keep track of, but also that there are too many story threads to weave in our brain-dead little consciousnesses, and where’s the action, anyway?…besides the opening attack by Indians on settlers and the closing attack of Whites on Indians that (rather brilliantly) bookend this first chapter. Of course, a viewer has to understand what the incredibly difficult, complicated partial subtitle “Chapter One” means.

Or that something like the incredibly tense meeting on a hillside by Kevin Costner’s taciturn saddle tramp and a chatty psychopathic young outlaw doesn’t represent “action.”

Look, I’m kind of pissed off about this. Let me take a slight left (or maybe right) turn and discuss the inability of some younger audience members to deal with nuance, or with storytelling that is less than breakneck, much less dealing with a story that cuts between various threads of that story.

I have taken to watching a good deal of YouTube. I do this chiefly because the bite-size nature available means I don’t have to commit to a feature film after, say, 11 p.m. when midnight is my cut-off for getting enough sleep. (Old men who shout at clouds need their beddy bye.) This has been beneficial to me, because I have access to some YouTubers (I admit that sounds like a description of someone floundering in a water park) whose opinions and approach resonate with me – for example, Robert Meyer Burnett (now a collaborator of mine), Heath Holland of Cereal at Midnight, and Ken on Mid Level Media. These are presences on YouTube that understand the medium. They aren’t the only ones, but the vast majority of the film-centric YouTubers are guys with beards and baseball caps in their basement exuding the charisma of a chunk of cheese. These are not class acts like Greg Mrvich of Ballistic BBQ, extolling outdoor cooking, or Jon Townsend of Townsends, which focuses on cooking circa the Revolutionary War (great history buff stuff).

It’s the reviewers who are the worst. Unlike Rob or Heath or Ken, these reviewers know next to nothing about how films are made and/or the history of film. And a good number of the reviews of Horizon are a prime example – these supposed lovers of film are bored, and see no interaction between characters in the various story threads or thematic connection either. Unlike Rob, Heath or Ken, many of these reviewers (I should say “reviewers”) make no attempt to meet a film on its own terms.

For about ten years I was the movie reviewer at the now-defunct (and much missed) Mystery Scene Magazine. I stopped after I’d written, produced and directed my film Mommy (1994), because I now knew how hard it is to make a movie. I realized that even making a bad or mediocre movie takes an enormous effort (which is not to say that I consider any of my own movies bad or mediocre, nor do I claim them as masterpieces). After making a movie, I stopped writing a regular review column (though I later wrote a similar column for Asian Cult Cinema, also departed and much missed, but restricted myself to writing only positive reviews). I have backtracked somewhat and occasionally do write a bad review of a movie (as opposed to a bad movie review), but I do so only reluctantly. I always think of the scene in Tim Burton’s Ed Wood where Orson Welles and Wood commiserate in a booth at (I believe) Musso & Frank’s about their mutual movie-making frustrations.

Know-it-all’s in backwards ball caps, beards and parental basements have no business delivering movie criticism unless they have something worthwhile to share. “I was bored,” “I almost feel asleep,” “Too many stories, too many characters,” etc. And yet this is how Kevin Costner’s 21st Century How the West Was Won has been greeted by many YouTube reviewers and some paid critics writing for actual national publications.

This is an abysmal period for movies. It’s all about kowtowing to Woke notions and an audience that doesn’t read and never did, has been sedated (if admittedly having their motor skills honed) by video games, and judges films by the car chase or explosion or other examples of the dangling-keys-in-front-of-an-infant school of criticism.

This does not mean that I think you have no right to not like Horizon. There are legitimate complaints that can be intelligently made, even if I might disagree with them. But consider this: “I don’t like westerns,” one attractive Black female YouTube reviewer said before dismissing Horizon on the following basis: it’s a western. An extremely full of himself YouTube reviewer, sitting next to his giggling girl friend (who had not seen the movie), complained of the boring composition of shots in the film and let us know how smart he thinks he is. Meanwhile my (limited) filmmaker’s eye perceived that almost any carefully composed frame of Horizon could be a framed image on a wall. Mine, anyway.

Look, every asshole has an opinion and you know the rest. I may be as full of crap here as, well, the run-of-the-mill basement-bound YouTube reviewers. But for those of you who like my fiction enough to stop by here and listen to me bloviate, I urge you not to listen to the Horizon naysayers.

Give it a try, and if possible don’t wait for streaming – those who dismiss this film as something that should have been a TV mini-series are apparently numb to the Utah vistas Horizon generously shares.

Now this isn’t exactly a review of Horizon. For that, let me repeat what I recently posted on Amazon (in response to a one-star scathing and astoundingly stupid review of Horizon):

This is the opposite of everything the one-star review of it, posted early on, claimed. Its four storylines are rich with character and incident comprising a How the West Was Won for a 21st Century audience. The emphasis is on the hardships the settlers, soldiers and saddle tramps all endured, sometimes out of their naïveté or greed and other times in their lack of choice for options when bad experiences and bad behavior drove them west. It’s no coincidence that it opens with the Indigenous people (the People) slaughtering settlers sadistically and ends with Whites slaughtering Indigenous people just as sadistically. The scenery is awe-inspiring, the shots deceptively well-composed in their simplicity, and the stories compelling — I know this movie has received some bad and mixed reviewes, particularly by YouTube dullards, but these reviews only reflect the limitations of modern audiences to know how to receive a movie that takes its time telling its interwoven (and it is interwoven) tale. The idea that this is slow and nothing happens reflects the mentality of viewers dulled by the swift, poor storytelling so common on movie screens today. Don’t wait for the inevitable reassessment — see it now, on a big movie screen. Then own it on physical media. This is Godfather level entertainment.
