
True Detective Title: True Detective
Release: November 1983
ISBN: 978-1-6121-8088-5 (2011 Paperback)
Publisher: Thomas and Mercer (2011 Paperback)
Purchase: Kindle | Paperback | Audio CD | Audible


Nate Heller is a cop trying to stay straight in one of the most corrupt places imaginable: Prohibition-era Chicago. When he won't sell out, he's forced to quit the force and become a private investigator.

His first client is Al Capone. His best friend is Eliot Ness.

His most important order of business is staying alive.

"There's a special energy that powers True Detective, the raw brawling energy of 1933 Chicago. Collins' Chicago is perfectly convincing, and so is his detective, Nate Heller. A fine piece of craftsmanship and a deeply satisfying read." -- Laurence Block

"I knew Chicago during Prohibition was supposed to be both dangerous and exciting, and now I know why. . . . A terrific read." -- Donald E. Westlake

"One of the best stories I have ever read." -- Mickey Spillane

"True Detective succeeds on several levels, where other novels have failed on a single one. It is not only a fine private eye novel, but a damned good mystery, and interesting historical novel, and a well-crafted suspense novel." -- Robert Randisi


1984 Shamus Award Winner, Best P.I. Hardcover


True Detective 2011 Paperback
2011 Editions

True Detective 2004 Paperback
2003 Paperback

True Detective
1983 Edition

True Detective Audio
1998 Audio Book


Larger Cover Image, 2011 Thomas and Mercer Edition (500 x 750 JPG)

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