I try to keep politics out of these updates – having no desire to offend my “customers” (as a great writer would often call his readers), much less my personal friends and business associates – but this election is just too important. Please support Kamala Harris for President. I’d like to wake up on November 6 still in a democracy, with the rule of law respected (and fluoride in the water, since I haven’t had a cavity since 1966).
This week in our home town of Muscatine, Iowa, the Palms Theater hosted a world premiere of our new film, Death by Fruitcake. We had near full houses both nights (Friday and Saturday Nov. 1 and 2) with star Paula Sands appearing on both nights, co-star Alisabeth Von Presley on Saturday night and their co-star Rob Merritt (star of Blue Christmas!) appearing on Friday evening.
Death by Fruitcake brings the main characters of the Antiques novels to life, as created by my lovely and incredibly talented wife Barbara and her tagalong husband. Antiques Slay Belles, the latest in the novel series, is out now. Paula inhabits the uninhibited Vivian Borne and Alisabeth her long-suffering daughter Brandy. And they do an absolutely stellar job of it.
The screenings weren’t flawless. These were our first showings anywhere other than on our computers and Death by Fruitcake is primarily intended for television (streaming most likely) and physical media (Blu-ray and DVD). None of that marketing has begun, as the film is intended for a 2025 holiday release. So there were bumps, chiefly of the audio variety (softer image and audio on Friday, and still not ideal audio on Saturday). But they were eminently watchable and got a terrific reaction from both audiences, with lots of laughs and a good deal of fun at the red carpet event before and after, thanks to the efforts of producer/director of photography/editor Chad Bishop. Q and A with many cast members took place each night after the screening, and excerpts will appear on the eventual physical media.
Almost all of the cast made it to one of the two performances, so it was a star-studded night.
We are talking to the Last Picture House in Davenport and to the Collins Road Theater in Cedar Rapids about a few more advance screenings of Death by Fruitcake (stayed tuned) and the Palms in Muscatine is starting a one-week run on Friday Nov. 8 through Thursday Nov. 14. (I will likely be there on Friday for the two evening showings.)
Blue Christmas may be shown in other Fridley theaters around the state (we’re still talking) and at the Last Picture and maybe Collins Road (workin’ on it, as Bret Maverick once said). And of course the Blu-ray and DVD of Blue Christmas are available now from VCI/MVD (and can be found easily at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and numerous other on-line retailers).
For now, enjoy these photos from our wonderful weekend event with our stars and two lovely crowds at the Palms Theater in Muscatine.

Much of the cast is on hand to display the Number 2 for an infamous on-screen moment of Vivian Borne’s questionable taste during an interrogation (interview!). Front row (left to right): Producer Chad Bishop, Paula Sands, Alisabeth Von Presley, M.A.C., Barbara Collins; second row (left to right ) Tommy Ratkiewicz-Stierwalt, Tracy Pelzer-Timm, Ben Rollins, Chris Causey, Brian Linderman, Rene Mauck.

Alisabeth Von Presley (Brandy), M.A.C., Paula Sands (Vivian) on the red carpet at the Palms Theater.

Q & A with Alisabeth and Paula after the Saturday night screening.

Our gorgeous Brandy and Vivian (Alisabeth Von Presley and Paula Sands).

Source Writer/Production Manager Barbara Collins and Writer/Director M.A.C. — with Bella as Sushi!

Writer/director M.A.C. and producer/d.p./editor Chad Bishop

Star Rob Merritt and co-star Tommy Ratkiewicz-Stierwalt

Tommy and lovely co-star Cassidy Probasco