How bizarre it seems – in a sense, it hasn’t registered – that the novel I began at the University of Iowa’s Writers Workshop in late 1971 has spawned a 2016 TV series.
My instructor, William Price Fox, didn’t like it. Most of the class didn’t, either. But several smart people thought the first two chapters of QUARRY were the best thing they’d ever read in a Workshop class. Fox, a writer I admired, was spotty as a teacher. He shared some good stories about his Hollywood perils, but he also spent several classes reading his own stuff to us. The class was only two hours once a week, and I had to drive from Muscatine (forty miles) to attend. I thought then that Fox reading his own work was lazy and self-indulgent, and I still do. But he did teach me the “Indian behind a tree” concept (ask me sometime).
A week or so after my Workshop class with its mixed reviews of QUARRY’s first two chapters, I sold my first novel, BAIT MONEY, and, a couple of weeks later, I sold the second one, NO CURE FOR DEATH. Both were written at the Workshop when Richard Yates was my teacher and mentor – a great writer and a great guy. The NYC editor wanted sequels to both, so I put QUARRY aside (probably a third of it written) and proceeded with THE BABY BLUE RIP-OFF and BLOOD MONEY. I had graduated in early ‘72 by then.
Then I got back to QUARRY, probably in ‘74, and it sold in ‘75 and was finally published in ‘76 (initially published as THE BROKER).
How vividly I remember sitting in my office in our apartment in downtown Muscatine (over a beauty shop – the smells wafting up were not heavenly) and pounding away at those early books. I thought QUARRY was the best thing I’d come up with, as the Nolan books were glorified Richard Stark pastiches and Mallory was just me filtering my private eye jones through an amateur detective. QUARRY was something original. I was going places! This would, in a good way, leave a mark.
And at first it seemed it would. The editor wanted three more novels about the character, and of course I eagerly complied. By the fourth book, two things were obvious – QUARRY was not setting the world on fire, and I was having trouble keeping the black-comedy element from spinning out of control. THE SLASHER seemed to me over-the-top, or anyway a subsequent novel would have been.
That doesn’t mean I wasn’t disappointed that no more books were requested by the editor. But the QUARRY series seemed, at four entries, to be complete. I was going places, all right – back to the typewriter to try again.
But a funny thing happened on the way to obscurity – a small cult of interest arose in QUARRY. Smart people like Jon Breen, Ed Gorman and Bill Crider said nice things about the books. The series started getting fan letters. So when I had some success with the Nate Heller novels, I decided to do just one more QUARRY – and I did, PRIMARY TARGET (since re-pubbed as QUARRY’S VOTE). The book was well-received, but that was the end of it.
The end of it, anyway, till the new millennium dawned and a young filmmaker named Jeffrey Goodman came knocking, and a new publisher/editor named Charles Ardai got in touch. From Goodman’s enthusiasm for the QUARRY short story, “A Matter of Principal,” came an award-winning short film written by me, and then a feature-length version co-written by me, THE LAST LULLABY. More or less simultaneously, Ardai asked me to do a QUARRY novel for his new retro-noir line, and I jumped at the chance to give the series a real ending – THE LAST QUARRY, a novelization of my version of the screenplay of the Goodman feature.
The surprisingly strong response to THE LAST QUARRY resulted in a conversation between Ardai and me that went something like this:
“I wouldn’t mind you doing another QUARRY for us,” he said.
“I wouldn’t mind myself.”
“But you ended the series. What book can you write after you’ve done THE LAST QUARRY?”
Now we’re at eleven novels – QUARRY IN THE BLACK next month – and, after a somewhat rough birth going back to 2012, the QUARRY TV series will debut on Cinemax this Friday, at 9 pm Central time.
I’ve seen all eight episodes and they are excellent. It’s essentially an extended origin story of how returning Marine Mac Conway (the character’s real name, according to the show anyway) becomes hitman Quarry. Michael Fuller and Graham Gordy, the creators of the series, initially did not reveal the character’s “real name,” but it became clumsy for the lead character not to have, well, a name. They dubbed him “Mac” after me – M.A.C. Nice gesture.
And they were smart enough to set the show in the early ‘70s. It’s a nice fit with my current approach, which is to do my new QUARRY novels in ‘70s/‘80s period. You know you are old when a series you began as contemporary is now historical.
So I hope you like the TV series. If you don’t, and are a fan of the books, pretend to, will you? If the show becomes a hit, I may get to write more QUARRY novels.
Stranger things have happened.
Also this week, the Mike Hammer short story collection, A LONG TIME DEAD, will become available in print and e-book editions from Mysterious Press. This is an exciting project for me, as it represents the first collection of Hammer stories, and possibly the last, since I have exhausted the shorter fragments in the Spillane files.
My sincere thanks to Otto Penzler for publishing it. Otto, who edited and published the first three posthumous Hammer novels, has been a great friend to Mickey, Mike Hammer and me.
The advance reviews for the QUARRY TV show are strong, like this one.
And this one.
Here QUARRY is seen as one of the nine best shows of the fall season.
And here it’s seen as one of the ten best shows.
You’ll enjoy this interview with Michael Fuller, half of the creative team behind the writing of the QUARRY series.
Here’s a nice write-up on the forthcoming QUARRY comics mini-series.
Check out this terrific review of the Hammer novel, MURDER NEVER KNOCKS.
And, finally, here’s a positive review from Kirkus, of all people, for A LONG TIME DEAD.
Tags: A Long Time Dead, A Long Time Dead: A Mike Hammer Casebook, A Matter of Principal, Bait Money, Blood Money, Mike Hammer, Murder Never Knocks, New Releases, No Cure For Death, Primary Target, Quarry, Quarry in the Black, Quarry TV, Quarry's Vote, Reviews, Spillane, The Baby Blue Rip-Off, The Broker, The First Quarry, The Last Lullaby, The Last Quarry, The Slasher
My DVR is set!
It speaks well of you that, despite your many successes, it is still kind of surreal to you to see huge billboards and cable TV shows highlighting your work. But I guess I know how you feel. I’ve been reading many of your smaller, off-the-beaten-track thriller series for more than thirty years now, in particular the “Quarry” books, and now it feels strange that the whole world will know about Quarry! I’m going to have to share my amiable little companion of a thriller series with everyone else now.
But it’s been fun talking up “Quarry” in the local bars and restaurants my wife and I visit. I have “street cred” with everyone in those places because I recommended “Banshee” to my fellow patrons (or agreed with them that it was great if they brought it up), so I’ve been having fun telling them about the new “Quarry” show and its literary origins. I’ve been relating, though, that it’s about a hitman who finds a new way to use his hitman skills, though I’m not quite sure the first season will get to that point. It might just be about how he comes to be part of the hitman/Broker relationship. Without spilling too much, care to comment? I want to give out good info while continuing my free P.R. efforts, haha.
Looking forward to the first episode!
It’s the latter — an origin story. The second season, should it happen, will be loosely based on QUARRY’S CHOICE.
I really enjoyed last night’s episode of Quarry and am looking forward to seeing how this season plays out. Kudos to the production staff for getting the period details right, even down to having a Warner Brothers label showing on the LP that was playing “Tupelo Honey”. I’ll confess that it’s been quite some time since I’ve read Quarry, but the tone of the TV series seems a bit darker than I remember. I’m not complaining though, I think it’s great to see your works getting the adaptations they deserve. Perhaps it will encourage HBO / Cinemax to give the Nate Heller series a shot.
It’s been a great year for mystery fans, what with Quarry, Hap & Leonard and Harry Bosch showing up as long form TV series. In fact, I think it’s happy coincidences all around that both yours and Joe Lansdales’ series came out the same year, both involving protagonists scarred by the Viet Nam war (in one way or another), using actors that came to prominence in “The Wire” (though “Marlo” didn’t make its out of the first episode unfortunately) and most importantly, set in their original time periods. That was a gutsy call and I’m glad that both Sundance and Cinemax supported that creative decision.
Given your background in movie production, will you be either writing or directing any of the upcoming episodes? If not this season, then perhaps in Season 2.
Most of the humor in the Quarry novels comes in/from the first-person narration. That probably leavens the darkness of the books, which are plenty dark. And of course that narration is, probably wisely, absent. Additionally, these are early days for the character — he’s forming. Kind of him a traumatized place right now.
One of the things that sold me on partnering up with Graham Gordy and Michael Fuller was their desire to do Quarry in period. Though the books started appearing in 1976, the first book (as I discuss in the post) was a ’71-’72 creation, though finished a little later.
I wrote one episode this year, and have written a second-season episode, too. The latter doesn’t mean we’ve been picked up already, just that Cinemax/HBO are protecting themselves by having a batch of scripts ready to go, should they pick it up.
This was great premiere. Love the novels, so I’ve been waiting breathless since the show was announced and I wasn’t dissapointed. The premiere was marvelous. Great setting, suble storytelling and beautiful cinematography. And Logal is great as Quarry. He’s been underrated actor so far and it reminds me of what happened with Bosch tv series – an underrated actor finally getting a role of a lifetime.
Here’s hoping for more seasons and more novels :)
Thanks for sharing great information
I just wanted to thank you for sticking with Mike Hammer for these unbelievable ten years. I know how wonderful your own creations are, and that makes it that much more incredible to me that you find the time to continue the work of your old friend.
Thanks, Max.