Archive for December, 2010

Season’s Greetings

Tuesday, December 28th, 2010

Christmas 2010
L to R: Nathan Collins, M.A.C., Toaster, Patricia Collins, Abigail Kasper, Barbara Collins

Top Suspense Mini-Contest

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

As part of the Top Suspense Group, I participated in a Round Robin short story that has recently been completed. I wrote two of the twelve segments, though authors are not identified, and in fact Top Suspense is running a contest for readers who can figure out who wrote what. Check out the contest rules and the story right here.

I think it’s going to be tough for anybody to figure out all six contributing authors, so I’m going to offer free books to the first four followers of my updates who i.d. my two mini-chapters. Write me at – don’t post your entry here! I will have free books for the winners. Though Top Suspense is designed to promote e-books, these prizes will be “real” books. I haven’t picked anything out and will probably give the winners a choice between a number of things.

My friend Ed Gorman, who is also part of the Top Suspense Group, has always been a big supporter of my Quarry character. The first time we spoke, on the phone, back in the ‘80s, was about his love for those books. Since Ed is one of the very best writers in the genre, this has always meant a lot. He was kind enough recently to showcase the new Perfect Crime trade paperback reprints of the first five Quarry novels at his terrific blog.

And, oddly, a review of the forthcoming KISS HER GOODBYE has turned up on the web, and gotten fairly wide coverage. Since this book doesn’t come out till May, it’s a tad early, but it’s a near rave review, so…okay.

I am working right now on THE CONSUMMATA for Hard Case Crime. This is the long-awaited sequel to THE DELTA FACTOR, the second Morgan the Raider novel. It’s going very well, and since DELTA FACTOR was always one of my favorites among the 1960s non-Hammer Spillanes, a great deal of fun for me. Who or what is the Consummata? More later….

I wish everyone a great Christmas and happy holidays. For the record, here are the only Christmas movies worth watching (not including the original I, THE JURY):

1. Miracle on 34th Street (original)
2. Scrooge (with Alistair Sim)
3. It’s a Wonderful Life
4. A Christmas Story
5. Christmas Vacation

In that order. Accept no substitutes.


Best Postponed Book Of The Year!

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

QUARRY’S EX is showing up on some Best Books of 2010 lists, like this one on Craig Clarke’s excellent Somebody Dies website.

Not bad for a book that wasn’t published (it will be out in October 2011 from Hard Case Crime via Titan).

The Round Robin we did for the Top Suspense blog continues on. You can start reading it here.

I will admit I hate these Round Robins, but I wanted to help promote what I think is going to be an important site in the e-book revolution.

My pal (and great writer) Ed Gorman knows how much I like actor Wayne Rogers of my favorite P.I. show, CITY OF ANGELS (huge influence on Nate Heller), and Ed was nice enough to provide a link to a very good New York Times autobiographical sketch by Rogers, who is a hugely successful businessman. It’s an “as told to” piece, which must be why my fave series is referred to as CITY OF THE ANGELS.

I am working on two projects this week – THE CONSUMMATA for Hard Case Crime, the sequel to Mickey Spillane’s THE DELTA FACTOR. I am working from about 110 double-spaced pages of Mickey’s, a very good and substantial manuscript. Then mid-week, if the weather allows, George Hagenauer – my longtime friend and research associate – will join me for a plotting/researching session on the next Heller, which I hope to call ASK NOT. We have been swimming (make that drowning) in research for over a year, and we think we have come up with a fresh angle on this old case. It’s my hope not to do just another re-hash on this never-ending mystery, and – thanks in no small part to George – I think we’re on to something.

Orders continue to come in on the various options to acquire the new live CRUSIN’ CD, “Rock ‘n’ Roll Happened.” So far most are taking the “Kisses of Death” option. Quantities are, as they say, limited, so don’t wait much longer.

CRUSIN’ had a bad weekend. We were contracted to play at Riverside Casino, loaded up, showed up…only to be told we’d been cancelled – in fact, the entire Sunday afternoon series of bands had been cancelled (during “football season”)…two months ago! All the bands were called, we were assured…only we hadn’t been. The Riverside folks made it clear we’d be back in 2011, but we do want to apologize to anyone who made the trip and saw nothing but an empty stage.


Getting A Big Bang Out Of Quarry

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

Big BangThe Big Bang UK edition

Some nice stuff popped up on the M.A.C. front this week on the web.

We’ve had lots of really great reviews for THE BIG BANG, but this one from top UK critic Mike Carlson, who really knows his stuff, is probably my favorite. Mike was not a big fan of THE GOLIATH BONE, so getting this rave from him means a great deal.

Jedidiah Ayres has been reading the new Perfect Crime reprints of the first five QUARRY novels (available on line at Amazon and Barnes & Noble), and he’s talked about them several places. Check out his Barnes and Noble column, and this blog entry.

I am getting great comments from readers about these new QUARRY reprints – everybody seems to find them really handsome books and Terry Beatty’s covers are getting a terrific response. Even if you have the other editions on your shelf, you’ll find these worthwhile. Plus, my new intros are worth the price of admission! Well, not really, but you’ll probably enjoy them….

Jeffrey Goodman, director of the Quarry-based film THE LAST LULLABY, showcased the new Quarry reprints on his blog.

Another of those lists of “great movies that you didn’t know came from comic books” popped up, and had this nice write-up about ROAD TO PERDITION. We seem to be number one on the list.

And THE NEW ADVENTURES OF MIKE HAMMER: VOLUME TWO, THE LITTLE DEATH, has been named one of the best audio books of the year by AudioFile Magazine (in the “Full Cast” category).

Over at the Top Suspense Group web site, we are starting a publication of a round robin story (two 250-word installments each), featuring me, Vicki Hendricks, Ed Gorman, Bill Crider, Harry Shannon and Dave Zeltserman. Check it out.
