This will be a brief update because my office is shutting down for my son Nate to install a new computer with various new programs.
But I will take the time to announce the following: print versions of both Mommy and Mommy’s Day are available for $9.99. Be sure to click on PAPERBACK at the listing to get the right price (and cover). [Note from Nate: The links in this update go directly to Amazon.]
Also available as “real” books from Wolfpack are Murderlized – the collected short stories of Matt Clemens and me (10.99); all four Eliot Ness books, The Dark City, Butcher’s Dozen, Bullet Proof, and Murder by the Numbers ($10.99 each); and Murder His and Hers, stories by Barb and me ($9.99).
Your support of these titles will be much appreciated. Their success paves the way for new original books (and further reprints) by me, me and Matt, and me and Barb.
Yeah, I know – that’s an obnoxious amount of “me” – and “I” know it.
Here’s a great Kiss Her Goodbye review, reprinted from a long-ago post.
This is a rather tepid endorsement of Eliot Ness & the Mad Butcher.
Finally, here’s a list putting a story by Mickey Spillane and me on the “must-read” list.
Tags: Barbara Allan, Bullet Proof, Butcher's Dozenn, Eliot Ness, Eliot Ness and the Mad Butcher, Kiss Her Goodbye, Mickey Spillane, Mike Hammer, Mommy, Mommy's Day, Murder By The Numbers, Murder His and Hers, New Releases, Reviews, Spillane, The Dark City
The MOMMY/MOMMY’S DAY cover pictured here is used on both of the print versions of the individual books, with of course those covers bearing only the title in question.