We had a nice turn-out at Centuries and Sleuths in Forest Park, Illinois, yesterday (Sunday). Barb and I signed copies of Antiques Foe and I signed Too Many Bullets.

Photo by Howard Cohen

Photo by Howard Cohen

Photo by Howard Cohen

Barbara Allan with Tracy and Augie Alseky of Centuries & Sleuths
The occasion was bittersweet, as owners Augie and Tracy Alesky are retiring at the end of the year. This unique bookstore may stay open – two buyers are interested. Fingers crossed. In the meantime, Augie will be sorely missed – a great, friendly bookseller with a unique store.
Barb and I appeared on Steve and Johnnie’s Saturday night show on WGN radio. I’m glad they are back on the air! They are skilled and natural interviewers who make such appearances a real pleasure. I’m told they’ve written a book about Les Paul, the genius guitarist. Can’t wait to read it.
This, I believe, is our first (or maybe second) Chicago trip since the Pandemic, and it was a kick being around so many familiar landmarks…though on the retail front much had changed. Certain key stores were out of business, although our favorite restaurants were all up and running.
I am late with this – by about two weeks – but here’s a pic of me with the great Robert Meyer Burnett, who is collaborating with me on the Nathan Heller podcast. Rob is a YouTube celebrity with a fascinating background in film and TV – he directed the great Free Enterprise, a wonderful Star Trek-related comedy. His several weekly shows have been kind to me, with many plugs for Nate Heller and me in general and Too Many Bullets specifically. This pic was taken at a place called the Speakeasy in Davenport, Iowa.
I am proud to say that Rob was astounded by the depth and extent of my physical media collection. Somehow Barb is less thrilled about it.

M.A.C. with Rob Burnett
Here’s a great notice for Seduction of the Innocent, third in the Jack and Maggie Starr trilogy.
And take a gander at this good review of Dig Two Graves.
Here’s a nice review of Too Many Bullets.
Tags: Antiques Foe, Barbara Allan, Dig Two Graves, Jack and Maggie Starr, Mickey Spillane, Mike Hammer, Nate Heller, Nathan Heller, Reviews, Seduction of the Innocent book, Too Many Bullets, Trash 'n' Treasures
Continued from yesterday:
This just ain’t my day/week/year, is it?
Bad enough that I’ll not be seeing you guys again – but soon I’ll have one less place to go to … well, whenever I can manage to travel to the far reaches of Chicagoland?
This whole “Golden Years” swerve is getting worse all the time …
So Anyway, Augie and Tracy (and Centuries & Sleuths) deserve a proper farewell of their own, and I am going to try and do that one in person, at least.
And Further Anyway, I will continue to keep watch for any and all New Stuff that Team Collins comes up with in the future, so there’s that.
… And congratulations to your hair – for finally getting a Part of its own!
If There IS A Next Time … !