Short But Sweet

January 17th, 2012 by Max Allan Collins

A brief update this week, as I am immersed in writing the new Hard Case Crime novel, which is also the new Jack and Maggie Starr mystery. I’m very pleased to be returning to this series after Berkley Prime Crime unceremoniously ended it after the second book, STRIP FOR MURDER. The title of the third Jack and Maggie is SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT (don’t I have a way with a phrase?) and it has to do with the comic-book controversy of the 1950s. Terry Beatty has already done much of the art for the novel (each chapter has an opening illo and there’s also an Ellery Queen-style “Challenge to the Reader”).

A very nice review of KISS HER GOODBYE appeared at Spinetingler – short but sweet (like this blog entry).

You might like to check out this review of the film version of ROAD TO PERDITION, as well.

See you next week.


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2 Responses to “Short But Sweet”

  1. Brian_Drake says:

    Hi, Max. I’m enjoying “Bye Bye, Baby” very much! I also just finished “Neon Mirage”, the new Amazon reprint, but noticed your usual afterword was missing. Did you not write one for that book, or did Amazon not include it? The afterwords are always one of the best parts of the Heller books.

  2. Didn’t know about that. I’ll check into it. You may be able to request a new copy, but I have to make sure it’s been corrected. I’ll check the other books, too.

    I know the acknowledgements were left out of the audio books, but I understand that.