I am in the middle of the third of the three novellas I’m doing about a brand-new character (stay tuned) for Neo-Text. So I will try to distract you for the lack of a real blog entry this week with the second Wolfpack book giveaway.

I have four trade-paperback copies of Too Many Tomcats, my wife Barb’s terrific collection of tales about evil, dead and stuffed felines. I co-authored a couple and wrote the intro. If you are a hold-out among my readers who has avoided reading Barb’s work and/or our collaborative work, now is your chance to finally get wise.
Barb’s short stories are in the vein of the old Alfred Hitchcock Presents TV show and Roald Dahl, and she’s been compared to both (and not just by me!).
In addition, I have two copies each of the four Eliot Ness trade paperbacks – The Dark City, Butcher’s Dozen, Bullet Proof, and Murder by the Numbers.
[All copies have been claimed. Thank you for your support! — Nate]
This is for USA only – mailing overseas and even to just Canada was expensive before the Pandemic.
Here’s the important part – this isn’t really about free books. It’s about getting reviews on Amazon and/or at your own review site, if you have one. Most of you participating in these book giveaways have been good about doing those reviews. But please hold up your end of the bargain.

Here is a video interview wherein my pal Andrew Sumner talks to me about Ms. Tree, and specifically about the soon-to-be-published second Ms. Tree collection, Skeleton in the Closet.
And here is the appearance (via Zoom) by my co-author A. Brad Schwartz and I at the Mob Museum in Las Vegas in support of Eliot Ness and the Mad Butcher. Includes a power point presentation! Excited?
Finally, here is a nice look at Road to Perdition as Tom Hanks’ most under-rated movie.
Tags: Barbara Allan, Eliot Ness, Eliot Ness and the Mad Butcher, Giveaways, Interviews, Ms. Tree, Road to Perdition, Short Stories, Too Many Tomcats
Need to check that The Dark City link. I get the “Error 404 – not found” when I tried to find the book.
Was the Mob Museum guy confusing you with Ann Miller? You’re both such great dancers.
Seriously — what’s the deal with people who don’t know what the hell they’re doing when they introduce people? Says the guy who has been introduced as the artist of the Dick Tracy comic strip — and had his name pronounced “BEE-uh-TEE” another time.
Slight correction from the Ms. Tree interview. I wasn’t waiting on you and Barb when I introduced myself to you at Happy Joes — I was bussing tables. Which was not usually my job — I was a dish washer. I think I may have used clearing tables as an excuse to leave the back room and meet you two.
I fixed that link, thanks!
I would love one of your Too Many Tom Cats. I have not read these, but I do the read the Antique Treasure books.