I have four copies each of The Last Stand, Killing Town, The Bloody Spur and advance bound galley proofs of Antiques Wanted.
When these sixteen are gone, they are gone. [They’re gone! Thank you!]
E-mail me at REDACTED and list in order of preference which of these you’d like. If there’s one you don’t want, list only those you do. I need you to include your snail mail address – and it’s USA addresses only. I ask only that you post a review on Amazon and/or Barnes & Noble, or your own blog.
Today we are recuperating from Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2). The con itself was great. We had some issues with the hotel (Marriott Marquis), which despite its proximity to the event itself at McCormick Place, required endless walking of skywalks to get to the sprawling facility. The very modern hotel did not include hot water in the shower. And at a con, brother is a shower a necessity.
Not surprisingly, a con like this requires more security than ever, pretty much the same as an airport. Signs of the times (literal signs) were posted everywhere informing attendees that “COSPLAY IS NOT CONSENT.” It shows how schitzy our culture is – young women in the MeToo era walking around near naked, representing themselves as characters mostly created by men at their most objectifying.
I would say perhaps as many as 25% of attendees were in costume, some changing two or three times a day. Fun and sometimes disturbing stuff, and always a roadblock in aisles as the momentarily famous pause to pose for photographs.
From my standpoint – Barb was not appearing, just being my support staff – it was a fine con. Both panels I did – one on horror, the other on Chicago crime – were extremely well-attended. The horror one was aided by the presence of James S. Murray, of the Impractical Jokers TV show (he’s written a horror novel, The Awakened). Very nice guy.
My signings, particularly the Saturday one, were well-attended. I met a lot of readers and had some fun conversations. Many of them brought books from home and the material was wide-ranging – I signed things I’d forgotten about and even a few I’d never seen before. A veteran told me of buying my books on a military base overseas – some of the books I signed for him had the PX’s mark. Cool and humbling.
Here’s a nice review of The Last Stand, including comments on “A Bullet for Satisfaction.”
The rest of this update will be photos from the con, courtesy of Barbara Collins.

Chicago Crime Panel, l to r, Crimespree editor Jon Jordan, M.A.C., David L. Carlson, Landis Blair (writer and artist of The Hunting Accident)
M.A.C. at Anderson Bookshop Booth
M.A.C. signing.
James Murray, M.A.C.
Tags: Antiques Wanted, Barbara Allan, Caleb York, Killing Town, Mickey Spillane, Reviews, Spillane, The Bloody Spur, The Last Stand, Trash 'n' Treasures
Glad to hear you had a stimulating time at the convention. I never go to these things (just don’t really enjoy myself at them – I get crowd anxiety easily, alas. Which of course is why I picked Chicago to live in, a city of no crowds whatsoever) but when I saw you were appearing I made a sincere attempt to get there. Unfortunately, too much stuff going on at home made it impossible. (Had I gone, I’d have brought you my copy of BATMAN #402.
By the way, my father was recently in town and I mentioned to him your anecdote about being in high school and sneaking away to catch the premiere episode of BATMAN. He thought that was great and he told me that was the last thing he saw before shipping out to Vietnam. Which led to a whole other conversation with him. Anyway, he said the first episode of BATMAN was the last thing he saw and the first thing he saw again (either as a rerun, or perhaps a different episode) after rotating back. I thought that was neat enough to mention.
I may have made a QUARRY fan out of him, by the way. One more reader!
A modern hotel without hot water? That’s ridiculous.