The Bloody Spur, third in the Caleb York series, is now available.
All copies have been given away. Thank you for your support!
To celebrate, I am offering free copies to the first seven of you who write me at [REDACTED], on assurance you will review it at Amazon and/or Barnes and Noble (blogs also welcome). You must be in the United States (no Canada or overseas), and you must include your snail mail address.
The production in Clearwater, Florida, of Encore for Murder (which concluded its run Feb. 3) kicked off the Spillane centenary. Here’s a rundown on everything else (up to now):
The Bloody Spur (A Caleb York Western) Out now!
by Mickey Spillane and Max Allan Collins. Kensington hardcover.

The Will to Kill (Mike Hammer), February 27, 2018 by Mickey Spillane and Max Allan Collins. Hard Case Crime mass market paperback.

The Mike Hammer Collection, Volume IV, Mar 6, 2018 by Mickey Spillane introduced by Max Allan Collins (Mickey’s final four Mike Hammer novels) Possibly e-book only.

The Last Stand March 20, 2018 by Mickey Spillane (Spillane’s final solo novel with Max Allan Collins intro & co-written novella, “A Bullet for Satisfaction”). Hard Case Crime hardcover.

Killing Town (Mike Hammer), April 17, 2018 by Mickey Spillane and Max Allan Collins. Titan hardcover.
Playboy April 2018, “Killing Town” by Mickey Spillane & Max Allan Collins,” excerpt from novel.
Articles in Publisher’s Weekly, Mystery Scene, Crimespree, and the Wall Street Journal.
New Spillane/Collins short story, “The Big Run,” to be announced. Based on an unproduced 1954 teleplay by Spillane.
Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer: The Night I Died comic book, in four issues followed by graphic novel collection, debuts Fall 2018, written by Max Allan Collins from Spillane/Collins story.
I have also done as second draft of the follow-up play to Encore for Murder – Mike Hammer: The Little Death, which is likely to be produced in Clearwater in the Fall of ‘18. It uses the same source material as the graphic novel above.
Other work this week included doing the galleys for Killing Town and writing a proposal/sample chapter for a Spillane critical bio by James Traylor and me.
Here’s a preview of Quarry’s War #3. Releases this Wednesday!

Tags: Caleb York, Encore for Murder, Giveaways, Killing Town, Mickey Spillane, Mike Hammer, New Releases, Quarry, Quarry's War, Spillane, The Big Run, The Bloody Spur, The Last Stand, The Little Death, The Night I Died, The Will to Kill
The prospect of new Mike Hammer comics is a dream come true! Are there any plans to reprint/collect Mickey Spillane’s MIKE DANGER comics, from the Tekno comics imprint, into trade paperbacks?
It is encouraging to see that 3 separate publishers not only continue to offer the collaborations, but, that they are also honoring the 100th anniversary. A toast is called for.
How about a collection of Mickey’s Tiger Mann books? I really enjoyed them, way back when.
The Good News:
At long last, Volume 4 of the Hammer novels …
The Bad News:
E-book only?
U N A C C E P T A B L E ! ! !
Has to be A Book.
Goes on the shelf next to 1, 2, and 3.
Sorry about this.
Call it a Senior Moment, if you like.
But I’ll be Goddamned if I have to buy more Tech just to accommodate …
… Who, exactly?
The Times, they are a-changin’ … and not in the right way.
While I’m typing this, the TV is playing the absolute worst political attack ad ever.
I sincerely hope you’re not getting this one in Muscatine (remembering that half of the Quads are in Illinois).
It’s aimed at Gov. Bruce Rauner, a Republican – by the farRight Repubs, because Rauner isn’t as farRight as they’d like him to be.
I wasn’t going to vote for him anyway (registered Dem), but sometimes they just go too damned Far …
That last just slipped out. Apologies from here.
Any chance you’ll be getting to Centuries & Sleuths this year?
(And while I think about it, we do have all these wonderful theaters here in Chicago where you could probably stage your Hammer plays … maybe …?)
Possibly writing to Amazon and/or NAL and requesting a POD edition of the Hammer collection (which I frankly thought they’d be doing) might do some good. I’ve also pitched Tiger Mann, since the four relatively slender novels could easily be collected. We keep getting movie inquiries on Tiger Mann, and if something came of it, that might bring those out again (and material in the files could lead to a new TM book). I quite agree with Mike Doran that a book is about paper, ink and so on.
There’s also been talk of reprinting Mike Danger in graphic novel form. I’m always on all of this stuff, pushing and plugging away….
So far the centenary has attracted a lot of support and attention.
Writing to NAL (or whatever it is they’re calling themselves now) –
– aren’t they currently part of The Penguin Group?
I suppose that they’re probably KOOL to the whole idea …
*sorry – couldn’t resist*
Mike, you made laugh. Neither of us should be proud of that, but you did.