“Hi Max, a big hello to my hero!”
At the St. Louis Bouchercon, EQMM editor Janet Hutchings asked me to read for a podcast the Spillane/Collins story they published a while back, “There’s A Killer on the Loose!” Well, it’s available for free download now, right here:
Right now Barb and I are getting ready for the International Mystery Festival in Owensboro, Kentucky, later this week. Today I did a final edit on the script for the live presentation of “Encore for Murder” starring Gary Sandy as Mike Hammer (it will be presented a number of times, but the premiere is Thursday night. More info is available right here.
I’ve been encouraging you to pick up the new book by Jim Traylor and me, MICKEY SPILLANE ON SCREEN, at Barnes & Noble online, because of the great price. Well, now Amazon has it at a reduced price as well. Even on sale, this is an expensive book, but I swear it’s a good one, with great pictures and jammed full of information and informed opinion. If you like Mickey or me or especially both, you want to bite the bullet and send for this.
Here’s another positive review of LADY, GO DIE! that seems slightly ashamed of itself. Why reviewers can’t like this book without apology or a patronizing tone is beyond me. But I’m glad they like it. This one got picked up all over the place.
Here’s one more interview with me from the LADY, GO DIE! cyber tour. I know, I know – enough already. But it’s an interesting one, I think.
And here out of the past comes a positive review of a BATMAN short story I wrote some time in the previous century.
Finally, my son Nathan has been gradually upgrading this site. It’s very much a W.I.P., but you’ve probably noticed the cool new headers on the first page, and there are other new graphics here and there, as well as updated bios of me and my band Crusin’. He feels it’s premature to mention this, but I’m pleased with the progress he’s making and hope you’re noticing some of the changes and improvements.
Tags: Appearances, Batman, Lady Go Die, Mickey Spillane on Screen, Mike Hammer, Readings, Reviews, Spillane
I’m honoured to have my humble little blog mentioned here. I highly enjoyed your story, Mr. Collins, and I look forward to reading more of your stuff. My little series of Batman reviews is my own little way of counting down to the release of the new Batman movie, and to prepare for it I bought all the Batman books edited by the late, great Martin H. Greenberg. I notice that you even have another story in the Penguin collection! :-)