“Wolf,” the second of my horror-tinged radio plays for Fangoria’s Dreadtime Stories, is available for a free listen right here, all through January. Producer Carl Amari, as usual, did a great job.
Amazon is making a number of the Nate Heller novels available on Kindle at bargain prices, for a limited time. Steal of the deal is STOLEN AWAY at $1.99. A number of others are available for well under their usual eight bucks or so, for example…
Blood and Thunder: $2.99
True Detective: $3.60
Neon Mirage: $3.99
Majic Man: $3.99
Flying Blind: $4.99
Chicago Confidential: $4.99
Also, the first four Quarry novels from Perfect Crime are finally available on e-book. All five are available at Amazon at $4.99.
Perfect Crime’s Nolan reprints are imminent, and received a nice advance notice from the Violent World of Parker.
I’ve done a number of interviews lately, but this one from Comic Book Resources – which is slight comics-centric – strikes me as one of the best. It was an actual phone interview (not an e-mail one) and the interviewer asked solid questions and my answers don’t stink up the joint. Give it a look.
I am also proud to announce that in a forum choosing the best Batman writer of all time, I am coming in with a perfect score: zero. That really hurts, or it would if my BATMAN issues hadn’t sold so well.
Ron Fortier, himself a keen pulpmeister, had nice things to say about CHICAGO LIGHTNING.
Finally, I’d like to share a few photos from our recent trip to St. Louis, where we visited the Star Trek exhibit at the St. Louis Science Center. Consider carefully the shot of me channeling my inner Shatner – new author photo, you think?

Tags: Batman, Chicago Lightning, Deals, Dreadtime Stories, Interviews, Nathan Heller, Nolan, Wolf
Any “Best Batman Writer” poll that doesn’t even include Batman co-creator Bill Finger as an option is best ignored.
Nice job on the photos. Your wife’s pose is down pat as well.