The offer to send out advance copies of ANTIQUES KNOCK-OFF, NO ONE WILL HEAR YOU, and KISS HER GOODBYE got plenty of responses. Books have been shipped. We ran through the Spillane title very quickly, though, and we were not able to fill requests outside the USA.
If you still would like review copies, and have a review blog or write reviews for a newspaper or magazine, you can write me at, and I’ll pass the requests along to the publishers. Be specific about which book (or books) you’re interested in.
BUT we have a brand new offer for free e-books…
…starting March 1 and going through March 3rd (my birthday), you can get a free download of the first Trash ‘n’ Treasures mystery, ANTIQUES ROADKILL at all e-book retailers. Those of you who have ignored these books because they are not hardboiled now have an opportunity to see what you’ve been missing, and for free.
AND…you can get a free download of the first J.C. Harrow “Killer TV” novel, YOU CAN’T STOP ME, also from March 1 through March 3rd (did I mention that was my birthday?). Again, those of you who ignored this novel when it was published, because it was a CSI-type book and not a Quarry or Heller, can get a free look. We had a great response on YOU CAN’T STOP ME, and the early reaction to the sequel, NO ONE WILL HEAR YOU, is even stronger.

How can we do this, you ask? Volume, volume, volume!
Really, it’s the dope dealer ploy – first one’s free.
Last week there was a lot of Collins coverage on the net. Not so much in the last seven days, though a very fun write-up of my second, long-out-of-print MIKE HAMMER comic strip collection turned up at the fun blog, Davy Crockett’s Almanack. You can find this book and the first volume as well on e-bay without much difficulty.
The prolific reviewer Harriet Klausner has posted a very nice review of ANTIQUES KNOCK-OFF. Some people criticize Klausner for reviewing too much, but her write-ups get carried all over the net, and we’re glad to have her support.
See you next week. On March 1st. Two days before my birthday (not yet a national holiday in all states).
Tags: Antiques Knock-Off, Antiques Roadkill, E-Books, JC Harrow, Kiss Her Goodbye, Mike Hammer, No One Will Hear You, Reviews, Spillane, Trash 'n' Treasures, You Can't Stop Me
I’m exactly the guy you’re talking about. I didn’t get around to You Can’t Stop Me and I haven’t read a cozy in a long time. So I will definitely take advantage of this generosity. Will there be links on this site or is it through Kensington?
You’ll probably see in today’s update before you see this reply, but there will be links provided on this site — Nook, Kindle, and Sony — although the books may or may not be free on other sites as well, so if you have a favorite, please check there. Also, as I type this, the books have not been updated to be free on a couple of the links yet, but they should be soon.