Title: Quarry’s Choice
Release: January 6, 2015
Audiobook (MP3 CD, Library, Playaway):
Blackstone Library (Exclusive)
Title: Quarry’s Choice
Release: January 6, 2015
Audiobook (MP3 CD, Library, Playaway):
Blackstone Library (Exclusive)
Quarry is a pro in the murder business. When the man he works for becomes a target himself, Quarry is sent South to remove a traitor in the ranks. But in this wide-open city—with sin everywhere, and betrayal around every corner—Quarry must make the most dangerous choice of his deadly career: who to kill?
Audiobook Sample
Booklist: “violent, fast-moving, clever storytelling”
Book Reporter: “Quarry’s Choice is a fast-moving, hard-boiled pulp classic that is fun, sexy and action-packed. The story will keep you engaged and turning the pages, illustrating once again why Hard Case Crime is an essential publisher in the mystery field.”
The Bookbag: “At times, [Quarry’s Choice] becomes so hard boiled that you think you may just break your teeth on it…Quarry’s Choice has all the rich ingredients that make up the best type of pulp fiction; an anti-hero, a femme fatale, guns, women and gambling. What makes it better is that there is a strong relationship at the centre that gives Quarry actual motivation for his actions. Unlike with some pulp novels, you want the hero to come out on top and win the day; even if this does mean they have to dispatch a few people on the way.”
Bookgasm: “For those who have somehow never experienced the pulpish pleasure of Quarry’s company, [Quarry’s Choice] is a wonderful introduction. The rest us can celebrate it as another triumph in the on-going career of Quarry and his talented creator.”
Gumshoes, Gats, and Gams: “a gripping story with all the twists and turns you would expect from a Quarry novel.”
Detectives Beyond Borders: “Even when Quarry does the sort of thing to melt one's heart, Collins is savvy enough to infuse the situation with just enough menace to create suspense and tension.”
Pulp Fiction Reviews: “Quarry’s Choice moves at a speed just slightly over the limit like a smooth oiled literary machine with enough pick up and power to carry the reader to a damn satisfying finale.”
Sample Chapter from Hard Case Crime
High Resolution Cover (1500 x 2400 PNG)
Quarry Series:
Quarry (The Broker) |
Quarry’s List (The Broker’s Wife) |
Quarry’s Deal (The Dealer) |
Quarry’s Cut (The Slasher) |
Quarry’s Vote (Primary Target) |
The Last Quarry |
The First Quarry |
Quarry in the Middle |
Quarry’s Ex |
The Wrong Quarry |
Quarry’s Choice |
Quarry in the Black |
Quarry’s Climax |
Quarry’s War |
Killing Quarry |
Quarry’s Blood |
Quarry’s Return |
Quarry’s Greatest Hits (Collected Quarry Short Stories and Primary Target)
Short Stories: (list may be incomplete)
Quarry’s Luck