Hard Cash Title: Hard Cash
Release: December, 1981 / April 29, 2012
ISBN: 05-2341-163-4 / 978-19-3579-723-4
Publisher: Pinnacle Books / Perfect Crime Books
Trade Paperback:


Heist-man Nolan is enjoying his retirement from crime, running his own restaurant, when the president of a bank he robbed two years ago shows up with a blackmail demand. All Nolan has to do is rob the bank again—and play patsy to a sexy girl friend's murder scheme. Says the Atlanta Journal Constitution: "Collins has a gift for creating believable low-life characters."


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Nolan Series:
Bait Money | Blood Money | Fly Paper | Hush Money | Hard Cash | Scratch Fever | Spree | Mourn the Living | Skim Deep

Reprint Collections:

Two for the Money (Bait Money / Blood Money) | Double Down (Fly Paper / Hush Money) | Mad Money (Spree / Mourn the Living)