Valentine’s Day Reflections

February 20th, 2018 by Max Allan Collins

I try not to delve into politics much here. Most people know that I am left of center, but not so far left as to have any trouble with writing about Mike Hammer. This week I want to share a couple of things with you.

This cartoon, which appeared in the Quad City Times, is eloquent in its depiction of Iowa’s two senators, Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley, who I consider to be embarrassments not just to my home state but the human race.

In another paper, a little thing called The New York Times, A. Brad Schwartz – my co-author on the forthcoming Scarface and the Untouchable: Al Capone, Eliot Ness and the Battle for Chicago – contributed an op-ed piece. Take the time to read it – “How the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre Changed Gun Laws.” You will among others things see how well Brad writes, and may wonder if in our collaboration I am up to anything more than keeping the pencils sharpened and making sure the printer doesn’t run out of paper.

My contribution to this fine piece, by the way, was to e-mail Brad, on the day the Florida shooting occurred, wondering why no one in media had yet made the St. Valentine’s Day connection. He was already on the case, but maybe I stoked the fire a little.

For the record, I support the Second Amendment. I just have no respect for (a) a hunter who needs an AR-15 or AK-47 to hit a deer, or (b) some guy who gets hard using that kind of weapon for target practice.

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Here’s a link to the Projection Booth podcast, Episode 352: Kiss Me Deadly (1955), a smart, in depth look at that great film with a lengthy, detailed interview with me. My only regret is that I didn’t focus more on the film itself – maybe next time.

Bill Crider is gone, but definitely not forgotten. Here’s a great interview with him.

And finally this lovely Crider tribute from J. Kingston Pierce.



2 Responses to “Valentine’s Day Reflections”

  1. Michael R. says:

    When is the book by Mr. Scwartz and yourself due to be released ? Can’t wait. Thanks