Another fun day at the con, though it started off at the Marriot Marina restaurant, where Barb and I had breakfast with Titan publisher Nick Landau from the UK and Titan’s USA editor Steve Saffel (who edited the DARK ANGEL books years ago). Many projects were bandied about, and news flowing from this meeting will appear here soon.
At the con, I wrapped up two art deals (cash plus trade) that pleased me greatly, and snagged a couple more books. I collect mostly hardcover collections of classic strips and comics, which makes getting the swag home tricky. The dealer’s hall was the most crowded I’ve seen on a Sunday, possibly because there are no gigantic Hollywood roll-outs on the last day. I was able to meet a hero of mine, Neal Adams, who is not only an iconic artist but the guy who got Siegel and Shuster their monetary due from DC. Nice man.

Our two signings – including the first ever all-3 Collinses signing, at the Mysterious Galaxy booth – went very well. We sold books, and signed books brought along to the con by fans, at each. I was pleasantly surprised by how well the Hermes Press signing of the MIKE HAMMER comic strip collection went – it’s an expensive book ($50, discounted to $40) and quite a few sold. I even encountered a major DICK TRACY fan, dressed as the man himself. Lots of fun discussions with fans and pros.
The con, overall, was a very positive experience, both for the fan in me and the pro as well. I witnessed one unfortunate episode. All of the cast (sans Kristen Bell) of VERONICA MARS was signing at the Warner booth. They were friendly and affable and having a great time. As some of you know, I’m a huge fan of VERONICA MARS, and even kicked in handily to the Kickstarter campaign that has made a MARS movie possible. A row of yellow-shirted guards were belligerently forcing con attendees along, not allowing anybody to slow for a peek (the line had long since been cut off) or stop to snap a pic. These security people were near thugs. A guy right in front of me paused to take a pic and the nearest guard laid hands on him and shoved him along. Had he done that to me, I’d have made the news – I promise. Overall the security people were much better at the con this year, pleasant and rarely abusive. This incident was borderline battery, and director/MARS creator Rob Thomas should have a talk with whoever was responsible for his event. As a backer, I am not pleased.
Bonus Pics:

Tags: Comic-Con 2013
That was me in the Dick Tracy costume. I’m pleased to see that I look significantly less goofy in the picture that you got. It was a thrill to meet you.