This is a brief update, as Barb and I are on the road with the TARGET LANCER book tour. We have already done Iowa City (Prairie Lights), Scottsdale AZ (Poisoned Pen), and Houston (Murder by the Book), and will have done Left Bank Books in St. Louis by the time you read this. Check the above listing of a few other appearances.

M.A.C. discusses TARGET LANCER at Left Bank Books, Central West End, St. Louis
Great reviews for TARGET LANCER continue to appear, like this very smart one of Scene of the Crime.
Mystery People continues to give us great TARGET LANCER coverage at their web site and now with a You Tube video.
And the very first SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT review has popped up by terrific writer Ron Fortier. The book comes out next February, which suddenly isn’t so far away.
Quick recommendation: HITCHCOCK with Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren, playing art houses mostly (at the moment anyway).
More next week.
Tags: Appearances, Book Tour, Book Tour 2012, Jack and Maggie Starr, JFK, JFK Assassination, Nathan Heller, Seduction of the Innocent book, Target Lancer