A young naval ensign must unmask a killer on board an ammunitions ship in this intriguing novel of suspense, set during World War II, from the acclaimed author of Black Hats.
When ensign Peter Maxwell was called up from the reserves just after Pearl Harbor, he didn't think he'd be defending his country by leading the Navy choir. After two years entertaining VIPs he wants to see some action, and a posting on the USS Liberty Hill, a new ammunitions ship stationed at San Francisco's Port Chicago, seems just the ticket—especially since the ship is named for Maxwell's hometown in Iowa. Rallying his quartet to volunteer with him, Maxwell gets the posting. Unfortunately, the Liberty Hill's captain, Lt. Commander John Jacob Egan, has no respect for junior officers like Maxwell, and even less for the African-Americans who make up his crew.
Despite tensions between captain and sailors, a two-week shakedown cruise goes unexpectedly well. But this test run is just the calm before the storm. When the ship returns to San Francisco for reloading, Port Chicago is blown up—and then the Liberty's second in command is murdered. There is an enemy within, and Maxwell will do everything to stop him, including putting himself on the front line of danger....